Category Archives: Patty Updates…

The Reading Sisters!

Patty's Reading Stack

Teresa always has a trick—in this case a book—up her sleeve. Teresa is now working with Patty’s younger sister, Katty, on a reading project that is keeping both sisters busy. Katty reads to Patty on a regular basis and together they have knocked off an impressive list of books. Got a good summer read to recommend? Let us know and we’ll be sure to share it with the Reading Sisters.

Communication with a Letter Board


Teresa’s been working with a marker board to help facilitate Patty’s communication. Teresa voices the alphabet—letter by letter—and Patty spells the message.In this conversation, Patty is telling Teresa about her sister Katty and how she was caught by her father after sneaking out without permission. Here’s Teresa’s description:

“It’s actually a very funny conversation. Apparently, Katty snuck out and was caught by (her father)—I think she was riding around with her friends. If you look at the board you’ll see that Patty spelled DAD: DED, but that was my error not going slowly enough when I said the vowels A–E–I–O–U and Y. Patty confirmed most letters using the YES switch with the new spandex loop—that worked beautifully, I never had to adjust the switch once it was placed in the correct position.”

Write On!

Tweak, Tweak, Tweak


A lot has been happening (or not happening) in Patty’s world depending upon one’s point of view. This photo was taken today by Teresa B. and it shows a “tweak” Teresa fashioned to help stabalize the switch Patty uses with her feet. As mentioned elsewhere on this blog, a switch strategy is part of Patty’s overall communication rehabilitation. I don’t think I’ve ever used that term—communication rehabilitation—but it seems to fit. When Patty activates the switch with her foot it communicates sooooooo much.

First, the switch is evidence of Patty’s receptive language—her ability to hear, understand and respond to her environment. By accessing and activating the single-switch in a conversation, Patty is pretty much telling us that she’s in the room and certainly part of the conversation. Teresa B. has been Patty’s friend, advocate and guide throughout  this long communication journey. The photo is just another tweak up Teresa B.’s long sleeve. Talk about creative arts.

So that’s the latest good news. The rest pivots upon who understands and believes in Patty’s recovery. Initially, recognizing the magnitude of Patty’s efforts may not be immediately apparent. It takes time, is often subtle, and sometimes may even require a bit of faith. It’s certainly not obvious in a brief medical examination or consultation when time is driving everything—including quality of life issues. And yet, the time it may take hardly diminishes the reality and significance of Patty’s efforts and achievements.

Recently, the videos on this blog, recording Patty’s effort and progress, were characterized as a “trick” and not to be believed. The injustice and unfairness of such a statement is tragic and I’m still trying to figure out how to digest that one. Patty certainly deserves more, far more.