Category Archives: Recommended Reading

The Reading Sisters!

Patty's Reading Stack

Teresa always has a trick—in this case a book—up her sleeve. Teresa is now working with Patty’s younger sister, Katty, on a reading project that is keeping both sisters busy. Katty reads to Patty on a regular basis and together they have knocked off an impressive list of books. Got a good summer read to recommend? Let us know and we’ll be sure to share it with the Reading Sisters.

Look Up For Yes

Look Up For YesHaving awakened from a seven-month coma brought on by two massive strokes in 1966, Julia Tavalaro found herself, at the age of 33, paralyzed and alone in an unfamiliar hospital. Eventually, she was able to reconstruct the moments preceding her first stroke at her home on Long Island, suffering from a terrible headache and trying to soothe her hungry infant. Tavalaro’s enormous capacity to battle devastating misfortune is on display in her memoir, ”Look Up for Yes,” written with the poet Richard Tayson. But her gifts extend beyond a fierce will for self-recognition, for she is also endowed with extraordinary powers of memory and description that enable her to convey her experiences vividly.

Tavalaro’s is a remarkable life story for anyone interested in alternate communication and the great diversity of human intimacy. The book is available at many bookstores as well as LOOK UP FOR YES