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A Father’s Love

Patty with her father Say

I met Patty and the Phommanyvong family just more than a year ago. At that time Patty was still living at a long-term residential facility (aka nursing home). Notwithstanding Patty’s significant care needs, it didn’t seem to make sense for her to be in a nursing home for almost two years, especially when her parents, Say Taylor and Vilay Phommanyvong, very much wanted their daughter to be home. That marked the beginning of my relationship with Patty and her family.

I watched as Patty’s father Say managed his own business (seven days a week, 12-plus hour days), moved his family to a first-floor apartment to accommodate Patty’s needs, negotiated with health care, insurance, legal, and social service agencies about the daily care and needs of his daughter, traveled more than 30 miles several times a week to visit his daughter at the nursing home in Azusa, continued raising his youngest daughter, Katty, and still some how had enough left for his his wife, Vilay.

It’s hard to really imagine the enormous pressures shouldered each and every day by Patty’s family, and yet, throughout all the ups and downs, challenges, disappointments, frustrations and negotiations, Say remains determined to provide his daughter Patty with every possible opportunity he can to support and improve her life today and in the years ahead.

As a political refugee from Laos in the wake of the Vietnam war, Say immigrated to America as a young man who never imagined a life away from his homeland. As many first generation immigrants, Say’s life in America has been filled with challenges, hard work and a belief in his dedication to build a life and future for his family here in California.

It has been a great personal experience to witness Say’s love for his family and  daughter Patty despite what must often seem like insurmountable odds. For Say Taylor there is nothing he won’t do for Patty.

— MS

Patty Works with String-Switch for the First Time

Patty's right foot with string switch Patty's right foot with AbleNet string switch


Today we introduced Patty to a string-switch (AbleNet) for the first time. For several months we have been exploring switch access with several different types of switches including microswitches, mercury switches, miniswitches, and any switch we could think of that might give Patty access to controlling some cause-and-effect activity. It seems like a simple enough task but with Patty there are so many varibles that can make a difference a sixteenth of an inch one way or another. These things take time.

Well, today was a very big day. We’ve been borrowing switches generously loaned from the Frank D. Lanterman Regional Center’s Family Resource Center and today we tried a string-switch for the first time. It’s so simple I’m now wondering why I didn’t think of it earlier but that’s how these things go. We simply hung the string loop over of Patty’s right foot and toes, mounted the switch an inch or two from her foot and Patty did the rest!

With Patty’s determination and our verbal direction and support, Patty was successfully able to turn on and off a couple battery-adapted devices: one, an insane toy from Chinatown; and the other a radio tuned to a local classical radio station. Take a look at the video to see and hear some wonderful music, literally and most definitely figuratively.

At the end of this video you will also have a chance to see how Patty communicates with an eye-gaze system that she has developed with Teresa. Enjoy!

— Marty


Look Up For Yes

Look Up For YesHaving awakened from a seven-month coma brought on by two massive strokes in 1966, Julia Tavalaro found herself, at the age of 33, paralyzed and alone in an unfamiliar hospital. Eventually, she was able to reconstruct the moments preceding her first stroke at her home on Long Island, suffering from a terrible headache and trying to soothe her hungry infant. Tavalaro’s enormous capacity to battle devastating misfortune is on display in her memoir, ”Look Up for Yes,” written with the poet Richard Tayson. But her gifts extend beyond a fierce will for self-recognition, for she is also endowed with extraordinary powers of memory and description that enable her to convey her experiences vividly.

Tavalaro’s is a remarkable life story for anyone interested in alternate communication and the great diversity of human intimacy. The book is available at many bookstores as well as LOOK UP FOR YES