Category Archives: Marty

Tweak, Tweak, Tweak


A lot has been happening (or not happening) in Patty’s world depending upon one’s point of view. This photo was taken today by Teresa B. and it shows a “tweak” Teresa fashioned to help stabalize the switch Patty uses with her feet. As mentioned elsewhere on this blog, a switch strategy is part of Patty’s overall communication rehabilitation. I don’t think I’ve ever used that term—communication rehabilitation—but it seems to fit. When Patty activates the switch with her foot it communicates sooooooo much.

First, the switch is evidence of Patty’s receptive language—her ability to hear, understand and respond to her environment. By accessing and activating the single-switch in a conversation, Patty is pretty much telling us that she’s in the room and certainly part of the conversation. Teresa B. has been Patty’s friend, advocate and guide throughout  this long communication journey. The photo is just another tweak up Teresa B.’s long sleeve. Talk about creative arts.

So that’s the latest good news. The rest pivots upon who understands and believes in Patty’s recovery. Initially, recognizing the magnitude of Patty’s efforts may not be immediately apparent. It takes time, is often subtle, and sometimes may even require a bit of faith. It’s certainly not obvious in a brief medical examination or consultation when time is driving everything—including quality of life issues. And yet, the time it may take hardly diminishes the reality and significance of Patty’s efforts and achievements.

Recently, the videos on this blog, recording Patty’s effort and progress, were characterized as a “trick” and not to be believed. The injustice and unfairness of such a statement is tragic and I’m still trying to figure out how to digest that one. Patty certainly deserves more, far more.


More Switch Practice

It was a late Sunday afternoon and Patty was feeling better than the weekend before. She was alert despite the lingering stuffiness of a stubborn head cold. We talked for about 20 minutes before her switch practice. My communication with Patty needs regular and ongoing practice. I’m getting better but communication with eye-blinks and eye-gaze takes a long time to develop and trust.

In this video, Patty demonstrates her switch progress. She still doesn’t have enough opportunities to practice yet continues her progress. This video captures her progress while demonstrating a four step sequence:

  1. Imagine a picture of your foot in your mind.
  2. Take a deep breadth.
  3. Release your breadth and move your foot.
  4. Relax your foot to reset the switch.

Patty’s Switch Adventure

Sometimes it goes slow, very slow. Some days it just seems like the sun won’t shine. And then there are days when everything finds its place and for a few short moments there is hope. These last moments are the ones worth holding onto. I shared one such moment this weekend.

Once a week, mostly on Sundays, I meet up with Teresa Burkett Bourgoise to visit Patty. Words cannot express adequately the truly wonderful relationship that Teresa and Patty share together. It is remarkable in every way. I get to watch and try to help as best I can. Mostly, I just watch.

This weekend, on Saturday, I arrived at the Phommanyvong apartment just after Teresa. I said hello to the day nurse, and ducked into Patty’s bedroom. Teresa was settling in and pulling out a hodge-podge of tools, gadgets, toys and assorted items that might serve alternate purposes in our efforts to help Patty find and develop a communication system that will allow her to clearly and consistently share her thoughts, desires, protests, hopes, fears and maybe even a dream or two.

On this day, Teresa brought along a customized mount for the switch Patty’s been working with over the last several months. Finding the right mount can determine success or failure and there are a lot of ways to get it wrong. We’ve been struggling as best we can with some success but still a lot of struggling. Teresa—who use to work in the movie business making “monsters”—knows a thing or two about materials such as foam, Plexiglas, Velcro, and a thousand other bits and pieces of this and that. Definitely a good person to know, and very, very creative.

Well, the video tells the story much better than I. The tools Teresa customized—following months and god knows how many hours—are remarkable in so many ways. Most importantly, they work and seem to offer Patty the access she will need to master single-switch access.

I’ve been down this road before and can’t tell you how exciting it was to be in the room when Patty started to activate the switch and turn on the radio with her right foot. Take a look for yourself.

It was Patty’s hard work, Teresa’s insightful genius, and my good fortune to be along for the ride.

— MS

How Many People Does It Take to Activate A Switch?

Patty & Marty

For several months Patty has been working hard on accessing a single switch with her right foot. Patty’s progress has been reported on this blog. There are so many variables—some obvious and some not so obvious—that are part of the mix: the tightness throughout Patty’s muscles and body, Patty’s medication, Patty’s vision, Patty’s positioning in bed or in her wheelchair, the temperature of the room, Patty’s mood, the technology, Patty’s breathing, and more.

Teresa and I are working with Patty but are only permitted to visit during weekends. Patty’s life and schedule is such that more regular visits are difficult to accommodate by her family. So we are all struggling to master what is a delicate and difficult task with very little time to practice. The switch access strategy is all tied to the goal of providing Patty with enough control so as to independently demonstrate her receptive language and cognitive ability by accessing a single switch that when connected to a device and then activated would indicate a simple choice between a “Yes” and a “No.” To achieve this goal would redefine the quality of Patty’s life in so many ways.

And it is becoming increasing clear that Patty needs more practice on a regular and daily basis. We will be working closely with Patty’s family to build a daily routine that will give Patty the opportunity to master her switch control, one day, one muscle, one switch at a time.

— MS

Simple and Not-So-Simple Switch Access

For several months Patty has been working on switch access which is a simple strategy allowing Patty to control devices by activating a switch. While the strategy is relatively simple, the physical task for Patty is like climbing Mt. Everest without a map in a snow storm at midnight. It’s a very steep climb.

Why switch access? Because it is an initial step towards giving Patty the opportunity to communicate more clearly with family, friends, health care professionals, service coordinators, lawyers, and more. A single switch can control a radio, a light and even a basic communication device that would give voice to a simple yet powerful “YES” or “NO.”

For most people, meeting Patty for the first time can be overwhelming. Patty has suffered a tragic injury and is on a long road toward recovery. What she has lost is dramatically apparent and her needs are significant. What Patty understands and how she is feeling is not easily understood and it can take weeks, even months to begin to read the eye blinks and gazes she currently uses to communicate.

Patty is working on controlling simple battery-adapted devices (e.g. radio, light switch, fan, etc.) with a string switch attached to her right foot. Patty’s legs, feet, arms and hands muscles are extremely tight  and Patty must consciously direct her mind to move her right foot far enough to activate the switch.

Patty has made significant progress to date but we are all still at the beginning. We are hoping to increase the opportunities for Patty to practice on a daily basis to give her the ongoing and consistent practice she will need to master her switch control.

Here are some photos of the switch setup:

String switch attached to Patty's right foot
Patty’s right foot accessing a string switch
Switch mounting system
A switch mounting system holding the string switch in position
Linkswitch Control
A Linkswitch that provides a range of switch access options
Radio connected to Linkswitch
A simple wire connection between the battery-adapted radio and the Linkswitch
Battery-adapted radio
Battery-adapted radio
Switch Access Connected
In a line: radio > Linkswitch > string switch

A Father’s Love

Patty with her father Say

I met Patty and the Phommanyvong family just more than a year ago. At that time Patty was still living at a long-term residential facility (aka nursing home). Notwithstanding Patty’s significant care needs, it didn’t seem to make sense for her to be in a nursing home for almost two years, especially when her parents, Say Taylor and Vilay Phommanyvong, very much wanted their daughter to be home. That marked the beginning of my relationship with Patty and her family.

I watched as Patty’s father Say managed his own business (seven days a week, 12-plus hour days), moved his family to a first-floor apartment to accommodate Patty’s needs, negotiated with health care, insurance, legal, and social service agencies about the daily care and needs of his daughter, traveled more than 30 miles several times a week to visit his daughter at the nursing home in Azusa, continued raising his youngest daughter, Katty, and still some how had enough left for his his wife, Vilay.

It’s hard to really imagine the enormous pressures shouldered each and every day by Patty’s family, and yet, throughout all the ups and downs, challenges, disappointments, frustrations and negotiations, Say remains determined to provide his daughter Patty with every possible opportunity he can to support and improve her life today and in the years ahead.

As a political refugee from Laos in the wake of the Vietnam war, Say immigrated to America as a young man who never imagined a life away from his homeland. As many first generation immigrants, Say’s life in America has been filled with challenges, hard work and a belief in his dedication to build a life and future for his family here in California.

It has been a great personal experience to witness Say’s love for his family and  daughter Patty despite what must often seem like insurmountable odds. For Say Taylor there is nothing he won’t do for Patty.

— MS

Patty Works with String-Switch for the First Time

Patty's right foot with string switch Patty's right foot with AbleNet string switch


Today we introduced Patty to a string-switch (AbleNet) for the first time. For several months we have been exploring switch access with several different types of switches including microswitches, mercury switches, miniswitches, and any switch we could think of that might give Patty access to controlling some cause-and-effect activity. It seems like a simple enough task but with Patty there are so many varibles that can make a difference a sixteenth of an inch one way or another. These things take time.

Well, today was a very big day. We’ve been borrowing switches generously loaned from the Frank D. Lanterman Regional Center’s Family Resource Center and today we tried a string-switch for the first time. It’s so simple I’m now wondering why I didn’t think of it earlier but that’s how these things go. We simply hung the string loop over of Patty’s right foot and toes, mounted the switch an inch or two from her foot and Patty did the rest!

With Patty’s determination and our verbal direction and support, Patty was successfully able to turn on and off a couple battery-adapted devices: one, an insane toy from Chinatown; and the other a radio tuned to a local classical radio station. Take a look at the video to see and hear some wonderful music, literally and most definitely figuratively.

At the end of this video you will also have a chance to see how Patty communicates with an eye-gaze system that she has developed with Teresa. Enjoy!

— Marty