Patty—Three Years Later

Patty Phommanyvong and cheerleader friend

Today is the third anniversary of Patty’s injury.

And on this day, while in Texas, I happened to meet a tour guide whose daughter, Katy, had contracted traumatic brain injury (also three years ago) while swerving her car to avoid dogs that had wandered onto the freeway.

Katy Munson’s injuries mirror Patty’s: the contracted limbs, (her feet having had the same surgery to sever her Achilles tendons as Patty had), her limited motor coordination, and her nonverbal communication with eye-blinks. In an intense 15 minute conversation we covered topics that included physical therapy, augmentative communication devices, nursing home care, ICU care, community support, and the disbelief of the doctors in a daughter’s cognition and a mother’s knowing.  Our words couldn’t spill out fast enough.

What I saw in Katy’s mother Cindy was the unwavering belief that not only could Katy get better, but she would get better.  This belief is shared by Katy’s father who is helping his daughter learn to walk again–while Katy is harnessed into the Dynogate walker, her father places her feet atop his as he inches forward, challenging her muscles and brain to mimic his steady moves.

Although this site is dedicated to Patty’s progress, perhaps we should take this moment to acknowledge all the selfless parents who lift their children up, one slow step at a time, and to their sons and daughters who do all they can to keep moving forward with their parent’s loving support.

— TB

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